Logo FoxClaw

My Nintendo64 Games Collection

Collection-Size: 282 games / 286 including different versions.

As a collector, i keep an eye out for games i do not own yet.
Got anything i do not?
You may also use this database as a guide to build your own collection.
And if interested, i could create a gameplay-video of any game for my YouTube-Channel.
For further information, just contact me.

All # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Racing Simulation 2
Rakuga Kids
Rampage 2 Universal Tour
Rat Attack
Rayman 2 The Great Escape
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2
Resident Evil 2
Ridge Racer 64
Road Rash 64
Robot Ponkottsu 64
Robotron 64
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt
Rush 2 Extreme Racing USA