News & Updates
The End of Capaign II
Hello everyone,
first of all a big thank you to everyone who stuck with me through this campaign.
Sadly we didn't manage to get funded.
Project:Waifur is not gone however. I will keep updating the website and slowly working towards another go at Kickstarter or another platform at some point. To find out when and where that is going to happen, make sure to bookmark the official website.
The game is great fun and i would love to share it with everyone else out there at some point.
I'll have to look for some means to get the game out there and previewed, perhaps by content creators. But this will take some time and consideration.
You can always leave feedback here, on social media or simply join the Discord.
Until next time,
sincerely Fox

FELICIA Level3 Artwork revealed!
She is the mistress of Cat-Minions!

FELICIA Level2 Artwork revealed!
That little creature is an "Assist-E-Cat", CyBeast minions commonly summoned by Felicia!

We are getting very close the Kickstarter-launch on January 5th!
Make sure to follow the PreLaunch to get notified when going live!

Revealing PROJECT:WAIFUR Character #7: FELICIA
The chipper Cat-Girl is ready to chuck her minions at the enemy!
She will also be availiable at launch!
<CHARACTER-PACK> unboxing + Foil-Promos!
New gameplay video
December Update! #2
"Home" Splash-screen overhaul has been completed.
Stay tuned for more.
Quick December Update!
More and more progress is being made behind the scenes as i am preparing for a major website-update including a new splash-screen and some rules-page overhauls.
Furthermore, the 7th character is close to being finished! Teaser soon.
In fact, she will be included with the KICKSTARTER-campaign for a new total of 7 launch-characters!
Stay tuned for more.
Kickstarter PreLaunch IS LIVE!

The Kickstarter PreLaunch is now LIVE!
Follow us on Kickstarter to be the first to join when it launches!
Click the image or this >>> LINK <<< to visit the PreLaunch-Page.
Full comprehensive video-tutorial/guide!

Check out the brand new video-tutorial/guide!
Click the image or this >>> LINK <<< to watch the video on YouTube.
Animated First Look Gameplay!

Allright, i'm ready to roll out some content over the next couple of days, starting with this one!
Click the image or this >>> LINK <<< to watch the video on YouTube.
The Kickstarter has ended. What's next?
And thus the "first run" has ended with an actual total of 15% funded within the final hours.
Interest is clearly there but i see what's missing and am hard at work to get more stuff out there to look at.
So what's up next?
Here is the plans for everything to be done before the upcomming Kickstarter-Relaunch:
• Animated gameplay video
• Animated gameplay analysis video
• Rules videos
• Cards print showcase
• New character: "Felicia"
• Q&A video
• German language for official website // Deutsche Sprache für die Webseite!
• New Kickstarter Pre-Launch
After all of that we will relaunch the Kickstarter to finally get Project:Waifur into everyones hands!
Is is as Yoda said: "Do or do not. There is no try." :)
First Kickstarter is closing.
Allrighty, so we've reached 9% with only 3 days left.
There are many followers though, but start was too rough.
With this experience, i will close this Kickstarter, do some more advertising and then relaunch, this time with a prelaunch.
Expect some awesome reveals in the near future as well.
Additionally, i will rethink the Tiers and rewards, tending towards a more minimalistic approach.
Official KICKSTARTER going LIVE!!!

Here we go!
Check out the official <<< KICKSTARTER >>> and get some awesome rewards!
2 more days until Kickstarter-Launch!
The >>> KICKSTARTER <<< is going LIVE this wednesday, stay tuned!
Quick Update!: Just a little longer.
The >>> KICKSTARTER <<< is going through its final proofing.
We're still waiting on something specific to launch which has yet to arrive,
therefore please be patient just a few more days, we're getting there!
See you soon!
Quick Update!
The >>> KICKSTARTER <<< is being prepared.
Some minor holdups, but we should go live by the end of next week.
Hope to see you all there! ;)
New Logo!

Official Website going LIVE!

It is a collectible "Living Card Game"(LCG) where you summon
a team of digital beings called "Waifur" to
fight for you within a virtual space.
Upgrade your waifur and enhance them by
installing several programs such as weapons,
supports, skills, viruses and many more.
Build the ultimate deck and challenge your
rivals to an exciting cyber-battle!
Experience unique features, such as:
\ COOLDOWN: Played cards eventually return!
\ CHARGING: Pay for card cost with any card!
\ CANCEL: Hinder your opponents progress!
\ ESCALATION: Play hands of 20+ cards!
Check out the brand new official website and
keep an eye out for the upcomming >>> KICKSTARTER <<< very soon!